The Leading Innovator of Contract Automation and Contract Lifecycle Management Solutions
(512) 537-4912
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Exsellant is committed to building and delivering the fastest, most secure and most reliable Cloud CLM applications available. We make our current system status and previous service level available to you so that you may evaluate our actual performance against this commitment.

AES-256 Encryption
High Availability
Strong Authentication
Safe Harbor Compliance
User Access Control
Uptime Performance
* Past 12 Months

Service Level History
Date US1 US2 US3 US4 US5 AP1 EU1 NA1 NA2
Uptime Performance = [(Scheduled Minutes - Unscheduled Downtime) / (Scheduled Minutes)] * 100
where "Scheduled Minutes" is the total number of minutes in the specified period during which Simplify Contracts was scheduled to be available by Exsellant, excluding pre-announced downtimes during weekend hours, and "Unscheduled Downtime" is the number of minutes in the Scheduled Minutes during which Simplify Contracts was unavailable. The uptime performance of Simplify Contracts for the calendar quarter ending December 31, 2012 was 99.997%.
Privacy Policy
EXSELLANT has created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our commitment to user and visitor privacy. This Privacy Policy describes our information-gathering and dissemination practices for the EXSELLANT web sites which link to this Privacy Policy (the 'Exsellant Sites') and the services (the 'Services') delivered by EXSELLANT to our users through the Exsellant Sites. Privacy on the Exsellant Sites and within the Services is of utmost importance to us. By visiting the Exsellant Sites or using the Services, you are agreeing to the collection and use of information in the manner described below.

Information Gathered
Registration and Billing Information. When a visitor to an Exsellant Site registers to become a user of the Services or requests more information about the Services, we require that the visitor provide contact information such as their name, e-mail address and company name and, when applicable, billing information such as billing address and credit card number. We may also ask visitors, users, or prospective users of the Services for additional personal information such as title, department name or fax number, or additional company information such as annual revenues, number of employees or industry. Personal information that can identify an individual person is "PII."

Users and visitors can opt out of providing this additional information by not entering it when asked. However, failure to provide certain requested information may impact a user's or a visitor's ability to access the Exsellant Sites and Services.

Log Data and Activity Tracking. EXSELLANT collects certain information from visitors to the Exsellant Sites and users of the Services, such as Internet addresses, browser types, referring domains, time stamps (time page accessed as well as time spent per web page), geographic information, search engine data, order of pages viewed as well as the specific pages the visitor has requested. This information is logged for internal research purposes, to help diagnose technical problems, and to administer the Exsellant Sites and the Services in order to constantly improve the quality of the Services. We may also track and analyze non-identifying activity and aggregate usage-and-volume statistical information from visitors and users, and provide such information to third parties.

Cookies and Web Beacons. Cookies are files that Web browsers place on a computer's hard drive. EXSELLANT uses its own cookies to tell us whether users and visitors have previously visited the Exsellant Sites or the Services. EXSELLANT also uses third party cookies to track Exsellant Site performance so we may manage and enhance use of the Exsellant Sites and Services. We also use persistent cookies to help save and retrieve usernames of users accessing the Services and to save a user's preferences from one session to the next. EXSELLANT also issues a session cookie to record encrypted authentication information for the duration of a specific session. The session cookie does not include the username or password of the user. If the cookie is rejected, access to and usage of the Services may be denied or otherwise limited. Exsellant Solution may re-associate your PII and other information with the information received by EXSELLANT from cookies.

Web beacons are electronic objects embedded in a web page to allow checking that a user has accessed the page. EXSELLANT and its third party partners use Web beacons alone or in conjunction with cookies to help us and the third party partners understand the behavior of visitors to the Exsellant Sites and the Services and to improve the Exsellant Sites and the Services and our email communications. We may re-associate your PII and other information with the information gathered from Web beacons.

Information Use
EXSELLANT uses the information that we collect to set up the Services for users and to improve the Services offered by the Exsellant Sites. We may also use the information to contact users and visitors to further discuss their interest in the Exsellant Sites and the Services, or to send users and visitors information regarding EXSELLANT or its partners, such as promotions and events. You may opt out of receiving such information as specified in our Choice/Opt-out section below. We may also e-mail to users information regarding updates to the Services or the Exsellant Sites. All financial and billing information collected through the Exsellant Sites is used solely to check the qualifications of prospective users and to bill for the Services. This billing information is not used by EXSELLANT for marketing or promotional purposes. Other third parties, such as content providers, may provide content on the Exsellant Sites or the Services, but they are not permitted to collect any information, except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Stored Data
Users of the Services will be using the Services to store data. Such data may at times be viewed or accessed by EXSELLANT only to resolve a problem or support issue, to evaluate or investigate an enhancement for the Exsellant Sites or Services or a suspected violation of the Terms of Use for the Exsellant Sites and the Services, or as may be required by law. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their user registration and password. Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, EXSELLANT will not review, share, distribute, print or reference any data stored by users on the Exsellant Sites or the Services.

The Exsellant Sites offer publicly accessible blogs and community forums. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. You may request removal of any of your posts or entries from our blogs or community forums as specified in our Choice/Opt-out section below. Of course, such removal will not affect copies of such posts or entries which may have been viewed or made prior to such removal. So we recommend that you carefully consider any such post or entry prior to submission.

EXSELLANT displays personal testimonials of satisfied customers on the Exsellant Sites in addition to other endorsements. With your consent we may post your testimonial along with your name. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at

Links to Other Sites
The Exsellant Sites and the Services may contain links to other sites. EXSELLANT is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage EXSELLANT users to be aware when they leave the Exsellant Sites or the Services and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects information from them. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by the Exsellant Sites and the Services.

Targeted Advertising
EXSELLANT does not partner with third party ad networks and does not display advertising on the Exsellant Sites and Services.

Social Media Features
The Exsellant Sites and Services include social media features, such as a Facebook 'Like' button, LinkedIn 'Like' button, and a Twitter link ('Social Media Features'). A Social Media Feature may collect your IP address and which page you are visiting on the Exsellant Sites, and may set cookies to enable the Social Media Feature to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted on the Exsellant Sites by EXSELLANT. Your interactions with the Social Media Features are governed by the privacy statements of the web sites providing them.

EXSELLANT takes every precaution to protect our users' and visitors' information and data against loss, misuse and alteration. As a cloud service, our success is predicated on the security of that information and data. We use standard industry practices as outlined in our Security Statement to help prevent unauthorized use of, access to or alteration of visitor and user information and hosted data. These practices include the appropriate use of firewalls, SSL encryption, system redundancies, and the use of dedicated servers in SSAE16 Type II SOC 1 facilities. EXSELLANT personnel with access to information gathered from visitors and users have been advised of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of such information and of using it only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Background checks are performed on all EXSELLANT Personnel with access to your data. Additional information on our security practices are outlined in our Security Statement.

Whenever visitors or users submit requests for more information or services from us, they may opt out of entering certain fields. However, such decision may affect the ability to use portions of the Exsellant Sites and the Services. If you receive marketing or similar e-mail messages from us and wish to opt out of receiving such messages, then you may simply follow the opt-out procedure specified in such e-mail. If you post a comment on the EXSELLANT blogs or community forums and want your entry removed, email your request to with 'Remove Blog/Forum Entry' in the subject field.

Updating Contact Information
We encourage our visitors and users to update and edit their contact information and keep it current. Users can easily correct or update their contact information at any time through the Services and users may request the deletion as well as correction or updating of their contact information by emailing

Information Retention
We will retain your PII for at least as long as your account or any account with which you are associated is active. EXSELLANT also retains PII in terminated accounts as well as deleted and changed information in our archive in accordance with our data retention policies. In addition, EXSELLANT will retain and may use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and in connection with marketing activities disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

Safe Harbor
Your personal information may be transferred abroad (including outside the EU for our users in the EU) in connection with our providing our hosted application service and related support services. Exsellant is self-certified to the United States/European Union Safe Harbor Program and is thus committed to complying with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor principles with respect to all personal data received from the EU (see Exsellant agrees to cooperate with the EU Data Protection Authorities and Information Commissioner, and to participate in the dispute resolution program provided by the European Data Protection Authorities Panel. In compliance with the US-EU Safe Harbor Principles, Exsellant commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. European Union citizens with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first contact Exsellant at Exsellant has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the US-EU Safe Harbor Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by Exsellant, please visit the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR web site at for more information and to file a complaint. If you have a complaint concerning Exsellant's Safe Harbor compliance, please contact

Notice of Changes
EXSELLANT may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If EXSELLANT is going to use your PII in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify you via email sent to the email address you have provided to us. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your PII in this different manner. In addition, if we make any material changes in our privacy practices that do not affect visitor or user PII already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on the Exsellant Sites or in the Services notifying users of the change. In some cases where we post the notice, prior to the change becoming effective we will also email users who have opted to receive communications from us notifying them of such changes in our privacy practices.

Last Updated on 5/12/2020

Security Statement
Exsellant uses some of the most advanced technology for Internet security available today in concert with rigorous internal controls to ensure that your data remains secure.

Exsellant applications and your data are hosted in a secure environment that uses multi-factor authentication, firewalls and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access by outside intruders. Each user in your organization is assigned a unique user name and password that must be entered every time they log in. When accessing data in Exsellant applications, Transport Layer Security (TLS, also known as Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) protects your information on its way to and from our servers, ensuring that your data is safe and secure. The result: your data is always available to registered users in your organization, and completely inaccessible to unauthorized viewing and/or use.

In addition, our customer data protection policy and rigorous internal procedures ensure that Exsellant staff never has unauthorized access to your data. We understand that our manufacturing customers entrust us with their most precious asset and to ensure security we employ carefully designed organizational controls that have been verified to comply with the widely accepted SSAE 16 standard.

Data Encryption in Motion
Exsellant uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for data transfer, which establishes a secure tunnel protected by AES 256-bit encryption.

Data Encryption at Rest
Exsellant encrypts your files and sensitive data using the AES-256 standard, the same standard used by banks to secure customer data. At no time do data center personnel have access to the encryption keys used to secure your data.

Data Privacy
Exsellant takes the privacy of users and organizations very seriously and complies with the US-EU and US-SWISS Safe Harbor Frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data from European Union member countries and Switzerland. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

Monitoring and Audit
Exsellant provides comprehensive audit trails for nearly every action or event that occurs within our applications and our network. The identity details, IP address, and date/time are recorded for every activity.
Data Integrity and Availability
Exsellant uses dedicated servers in SSAE16 Type II SOC 1 facilities (the SSAE 16 supersedes and replaces SAS70). Exsellant applications are highly redundant, with multiple instances for all key services. Our data centers are designed to achieve no less than 'nine 9s' of durability, with data automatically replicated across multiple data centers and multiple providers for maximum redundancy.

Identity, Authentication and Access
Users are created by account administrators and must login with their email and password in order to gain access to the application. All data and activities within the application are access controlled with a role-based model; the user must be granted access in their role profile. Within the application, password strength and complexity, frequency of change, past password comparison and lockout policies can all be configured by the administrator.

Two-factor Authentication
Optionally, add an extra layer of protection to your account. Whenever you sign in to Exsellant, you'll need to enter your password and a security code from your mobile phone.

Last Updated on 1/12/2020


About Exsellant
ex-sell-ant (n.) [ek-sell'-uhnt].  The industry-leading innovator of Contract Automation and Contract Lifecycle Management software for companies looking to streamline their contracting processes, increase operational efficiency and improve overall profitability.

Exsellant's flagship product, Simplify Contracts, is an enterprise-grade, easy-to-use platform for ensuring contract management best-practices throughout your entire organization. Simplify Contracts streamlines the entire contracting processes; from request, authoring, negotiation, and approval through ongoing obligations management, analysis, reporting, and renewals.
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